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The scope of allowable renovations can be found in your Condo Board’s Declaration.

Taxes are not part of your common element fees. Typically, property tax payments are made along with mortgage payments. You can find out more about Winnipeg property tax payment options at the

Monthly condo fees pay for regular services and amenities offered by the building. These fees pay for things like common area cleaning and lighting, snow removal, landscaping, minor repairs, and regular...

There are certain parts of the building that can be considered “consumable.” Things like roofs, HVAC systems, carpet, or asphalt are “consumed” bit by bit over time, and your reserve fund contribution...

Elections are held at your Condo Corporation’s annual general meeting for any vacant positions. Board terms vary from building to building, so check your Condo Corporation’s bylaws for details.

Board meetings are held as needed at the call of the Chair. You can check with your Property Manager for the next scheduled meeting date. All owners can request to attend the Board meetings, but they...

Most condo annual general meetings (AGMs) follow the same format. The board will approve the minutes of the last AGM; appoint an auditor and approve the financial statements of the previous year; elect...

The Board of Directors hires the Property Manager to manage the day-to-day operations of a condo corporation. The Board will approve budgets, set meeting dates, and decide on capital projects. As the...

Most maintenance issues that happen inside of an individual unit are the owner’s responsibility. If the issue is something that affects multiple homes, it may be the responsibility of the Property...