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In the event that a building’s operating costs exceed the guideline amount set by the Residential Tenancies Branch (RTB), the landlord may apply for an above the guideline increase.

This may happen for a number of reasons, but the most common is when significant work above general maintenance is done to a building – whether it be functional (roof replacement, masonry work, air handling systems), or cosmetic (suite rehabs, common area renovations).

In order to apply for an above the guideline increase, the landlord must show that their operating expenses have exceeded the amount of the guideline increase, and submit corresponding documentation to the RTB along with their application. At this point, the RTB will notify tenants that an above the guideline application has been made, giving you the opportunity to review the landlord’s application. You can at that point submit comments to the RTB, which they will consider alongside the application.

Whenever Towers Realty Group applies for an above the guideline rent increase, we strictly follows RTB rules and regulations to ensure that all rent increases are properly administered and as fair as possible.

If you do object to an approved rent increase, you must contact the RTB in writing at least 60 days before the effective date of the increase. The RTB allows objections on the grounds that the landlord hasn’t incurred increased expenses, has removed services or facilities, is not maintaining the unit or building, or that the landlord is not meeting their obligations laid out by the lease agreement or the Residential Tenancies Act.

Sometimes, the increase allowed by the RTB is more than we feel comfortable charging. In that case, we will apply a rent discount to bring the rent the tenant pays down.