Sometimes circumstances change, and you may not want to keep your apartment for the full term of your lease. What is commonly called a sublet is defined by the Residential Tenancies Act as an assignment of tenancy.
Once entered in to a Standard Residential Tenancy Agreement (lease), the lease holder(s) is responsible for fulfilling the terms of the agreement. However, the Residential Tenancies Act does allow for residents to assign their tenancy obligations under their current lease to a new lease holder.
It is the responsibility of the current lease holder to find a suitable applicant to whom they can assign their tenancy obligations. This new lease holder must meet Towers Realty Group’s minimum approval standards.
Please read the following information carefully before requesting an Assignment of Tenancy.
Towers Realty Group abides by the policies and procedures for sublet/assignment as prescribed by the Residential Tenancies Act. Further information on sublets and assignments may be found through the Residential Tenancies Branch.
To view a list of all current sublets/assignments, please visit our Sublet Listings page.